Success with No-dig Spuds

Success with No-dig Spuds
For the sheer, childlike delight of ferreting around in the warm damp earth for signs of success, there is nothing more satisfying than growing potatoes. Certainly for me, they have always been a simple and… View Post

Codling moth and toffee apple steamed pudding: Tree Following August 2023

Codling moth and toffee apple steamed pudding: Tree Following August 2023
I thought wormy apples were just an inevitability, but it seems they are probably caused by codling moth (in our case any way). We may not be able to get rid of them but by… View Post

What’s Growing in the July Vegetable Garden

What’s Growing in the July Vegetable Garden
This year, I haven’t planned as successfully for succession growing of quick crops like lettuces and salads, and I’m late to the brassica party too. We had a lot of renovations going on inside the… View Post

For the Love of Trees: Tree Following July 2023

For the Love of Trees: Tree Following July 2023
July is always an exciting time for the trees in the garden. For the big apple tree, it marks the home straight to harvest as they are usually ripe by early August. This year looks… View Post

Grow a Three Sisters Garden: How to Grow Beans, Pumpkins and Corn

Grow a Three Sisters Garden: How to Grow Beans, Pumpkins and Corn
Have you heard of the Three Sisters garden? Until 2020, I hadn’t either, but now I wouldn’t be without it in my vegetable garden. Keep reading to find out what it is, and how to… View Post