Codling moth and toffee apple steamed pudding: Tree Following August 2023

Codling moth and toffee apple steamed pudding: Tree Following August 2023
I thought wormy apples were just an inevitability, but it seems they are probably caused by codling moth (in our case any way). We may not be able to get rid of them but by… View Post

How to Use Windfall Apples: Toffee Apple Steamed Pudding Recipe

How to Use Windfall Apples: Toffee Apple Steamed Pudding Recipe
We eat a lot of apples but our dessert apple tree ripens early, and they don’t store well. We also have a problem with codling moth, which means many apples drop early and with the… View Post

The Best Chocolate Recipes to Make for Your Family

The Best Chocolate Recipes to Make for Your Family
Do you love chocolate? Does your family love chocolate? Well then you need to try the best chocolate recipes from around the web. (Please note, this post contains affiliate links. If you purchase via them,… View Post

How to Make Sweet and Crisp Summer Shortbread

How to Make Sweet and Crisp Summer Shortbread
I love shortbread, and there’s nothing better than homemade shortbread. This recipe makes wonderful sweet and crisp biscuits to fill the biscuit tin (if they don’t all get eaten first!) This week I decided to… View Post

Worms, a warmer day and pie

Worms, a warmer day and pie
Today the sun shone, and by happy coincidence I had a day off at home with my daughter. I showed her my allotment journal and she was so interested. It never takes much to get… View Post