Worms, a warmer day and pie

Worms, a warmer day and pie

Today the sun shone, and by happy coincidence I had a day off at home with my daughter. I showed her my allotment journal and she was so interested. It never takes much to get her into the garden and so we spent some time hunting for our favourite garden friends … Worms! At the moment she loves worms and knows how important they are, and that we can look at them and hold them but we have to be gentle and that they need to stay living in the soil and not come and live with us in the house!

I lifted dahlia and gladioli bulbs planted in a temporary bed and will replant them in a couple of months. They were planted in a prairie inspired bed with grasses and architectural plants. It also combines ornamentals and edibles, with globe artichokes and angelic in there permanently. This year I’m going to grow glass gem corn in there too to add, height and colour as well as maximise the space for growing edible crops.

I’m hoping to sow my aubergines, chillis and sweet peppers this weekend, time allowing.

Last night I made a chicken arrabiata stew and parmesan dumplings, followed by an orange meringue pie. Delicious! They were both a big hit and the pie was a great way to use up some egg white and a couple of oversoft oranges.

It definitely felt spring like today and even though there’s a cold snap coming, the longer, lighter days are making me itch to get in the garden. The potatoes are chitting, a new growing season is nearly here.


  1. February 4, 2023 / 2:03 pm

    Good post and pictures. The pie looks and sounds delicious.
    The last paragraph had me nodding and smiling. xx

    • February 7, 2023 / 11:17 am

      Some things are true to most gardeners I think, including a little bit of impatience.