The Winter Garden – Pruning, Mulching and Dreaming

The Winter Garden – Pruning, Mulching and Dreaming
The winter garden can seem a dull and bleak place, but careful planting can give interest even in the midst of winter. At the moment I am enjoying the hellebores, holly berries, scent of mahonia… View Post

Success with No-dig Spuds

Success with No-dig Spuds
For the sheer, childlike delight of ferreting around in the warm damp earth for signs of success, there is nothing more satisfying than growing potatoes. Certainly for me, they have always been a simple and… View Post

The Summer Vegetable Garden

The Summer Vegetable Garden
It’s been a while since I’ve given an update on the vegetable garden. The garden as a whole is more of a potager really, with fruit, herbs, vegetables and edible flowers secreted wherever there is… View Post

Peas, turnips and new trees

Peas, turnips and new trees
This weekend we managed quite a lot of time in the garden, which was a nice surprise considering how ill we all were and the unpredictable weather. I find being outdoors in our garden invigorating… View Post

11 February 2023 – signs of life

11 February 2023 – signs of life
What a joy to see the first of my seeds germinating. The onions were eager to get going, tiny little white and green strands unfurling before my eyes, and now four of the tomato ‘Heinz’… View Post