11 February 2023 – signs of life

11 February 2023 – signs of life
What a joy to see the first of my seeds germinating. The onions were eager to get going, tiny little white and green strands unfurling before my eyes, and now four of the tomato ‘Heinz’… View Post

Foggy, frosty tree following

Foggy, frosty tree following
This morning the world was nearly white. The air and sky turned cloudy with fog, and the ground and grass dusted with icing sugar frost. The perfect day then to capture the winter silhouettes of… View Post

The weekend roundup

The weekend roundup
This weekend yielded much more gardening opportunity than I expected. Saturday we were out for the day with friends, mostly outside, and there was definitely a nip in the air! Sunday was a day for… View Post

A day of planning and cooking

A day of planning and cooking
The first day of February, and it looked almost springlike. The snowdrops at the foot of our young copper beech hedge are in flower and it such a hopeful feeling. Other things in flower at… View Post

An introduction to tree following

An introduction to tree following
Today was a ‘commute to the office’ day, which takes me past St James’ Park. There is a beautiful mature fig tree which in October was absolutely laden with figs and I took a photo… View Post