Launching the MHM Method: A Holistic Approach to Modern Homemaking

Launching the MHM Method: A Holistic Approach to Modern Homemaking
Hi, I’m Heather, founder of Modern Woman Old Soul and I’m so pleased to announce the launch of my Modern Homemaking Method (MHM Method)! If you’re here, you are – or would like to be… View Post

How to Blog about Homemaking: 5 Top Tips

How to Blog about Homemaking: 5 Top Tips
Something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is striking the balance between my homemaking tasks and taking time to blog – particularly because in a few months we’ll be welcoming our second baby and… View Post

How to be a Happier Homemaker

How to be a Happier Homemaker
This post is not going to be about how you can clean more efficiently or meal plan for a month! Surprised? Well, I think there are a lot of myths in modern homemaking, and misconceptions… View Post