How to Find Your Style: Phase 1

How to Find Your Style: Phase 1
I honestly never thought I’d be writing this post. What can I possibly have to say about style that anyone would want to read? That is why I am so excited about sharing this with… View Post

Happy New Year and Welcome

Happy New Year and Welcome
To my readers and followers, happy new year and welcome to 2024, I hope to share another year of fun, ideas and inspiration from my home, my garden and my wardrobe with you. For new… View Post

Pumpkin Spice: How to Add Orange to Your Home and Wardrobe

Pumpkin Spice: How to Add Orange to Your Home and Wardrobe
Autumn is here, and for me, nothing says Autumn like orange. From decorating the house with squash to keeping warm in golden-hued knitwear, finding ways to add orange to your home and wardrobe couldn’t be… View Post

Success with No-dig Spuds

Success with No-dig Spuds
For the sheer, childlike delight of ferreting around in the warm damp earth for signs of success, there is nothing more satisfying than growing potatoes. Certainly for me, they have always been a simple and… View Post

Codling moth and toffee apple steamed pudding: Tree Following August 2023

Codling moth and toffee apple steamed pudding: Tree Following August 2023
I thought wormy apples were just an inevitability, but it seems they are probably caused by codling moth (in our case any way). We may not be able to get rid of them but by… View Post