The June Drop: Tree Following June 2023

The June Drop: Tree Following June 2023
June already! What weather we are having, such that I realised I was in fact meant to water my mature fruit trees as well as my new ones, and not simply rely on the rain.… View Post

A Garden of Apples: Tree Following – May 2023

A Garden of Apples: Tree Following – May 2023
It’s good to be back. An unintended hiatus while all my spare and not-so-spare time was taken up with work and finishing some major renovations to the house. I got the email about this month’s… View Post

Peas, turnips and new trees

Peas, turnips and new trees
This weekend we managed quite a lot of time in the garden, which was a nice surprise considering how ill we all were and the unpredictable weather. I find being outdoors in our garden invigorating… View Post

A New Week, A New Look

A New Week, A New Look
Hello! I haven’t posted in a little while as the blog has been moving house and getting a new look. It’s something of a work in progress as I’m still learning a lot about how… View Post

Pancake day, potatoes and potting on

Pancake day, potatoes and potting on
Pancake day, or Shrove Tuesday, is embedded in UK cultural and culinary tradition. For me it’s an interesting blend of my Canadian and English roots – the pancakes I make are definitely more in the… View Post