It’s good to be back. An unintended hiatus while all my spare and not-so-spare time was taken up with work and finishing some major renovations to the house.
I got the email about this month’s tree following and after spending so much time in the garden, it was the nudge I needed to get back to the blog.
And here are my beautiful apple trees! June’s tree following link should be up this week, and I’m determined to be in time to join in.
Keep your eyes peeled over the next few days for posts about my Three Sisters garden and a recipe for beetroot relish.

It’s good to see you posting again as I was wondering if you had stopped for good.
The apple trees are looking good, and I hope you get plenty of fruit this year.
Take care. xx
Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by. It’s been a bit of a mad few months here with work, and the rest of our house renovations to arrange, but that’s finally done and so I can turn my attention back to blogging, gardening etc. My mind has been on it the whole time and I’ve really missed it. I’ve been keeping up with your posts though, and reading them kept nudging me back to action. x