A Walnut Tree in May – Tree Following 2024

A Walnut Tree in May – Tree Following 2024

I am a little late to tree following this year, my first trimester of pregnancy meant I only had the energy for the necessary stuff of daily life in March and April. Now I’m feeling so much better and want to make the most of my second trimester to enjoy the spring and summer.

My choice for tree following this year is a little different – a walnut which was in our garden when we moved. It is walnut Juglans regia, relatively large and mature but, honestly, it’s not my favourite tree. I decided to use it for my tree following because I hope by paying closer attention to it throughout the year it may help me appreciate it more.

I do like the privacy it offers by blocking the back of the house beside our garden and I would love to harvest walnuts from it, the squirrels always get there first, taking them before they’re ripe. This year I’m hoping to net one of the limbs to try and keep some of the nuts for us.

Here are some photos taken this week. You can still see the pretty red tinge of the new leaves, it makes it look almost autumnal. The long catkins also provide interest at this point although the wind and rain means many of them have now fallen.

Common Walnut (Juglia regens)
New leaves have a reddish tinge at first
The trunk is a silvery grey, this has marks from some ivy which we removed
Fruit set, walnuts seem to hang in clusters of three or four

You can find other tree followings here courtesy of Squirrel Basket.


  1. Hollis
    May 16, 2024 / 2:06 am

    The tiny fruits are so interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing them maturing.

    • June 6, 2024 / 12:17 pm

      It is nice to see it from another perspective and I do think sharing it’s annual cycle will give me a better appreciation of it! Thanks for reading.

  2. May 20, 2024 / 2:20 pm

    Interesting post and good pictures about your walnut. They’re a tree which always seems to divide people about liking them or not. It’s a shame that squirrels invariably eat the walnuts before we do. Take care. xx

    • June 6, 2024 / 12:18 pm

      Yes I didn’t really know them until we moved in to our home 5 years ago, but our area including parks and gardens are full of them, thanks in part to the large squirrel population who bury them everywhere! Thanks for reading.

  3. May 27, 2024 / 5:14 pm

    Excellent choice!
    It’s rather a lovely tree – I look forward to seeing what the walnut fruit are like when they mature I guess what e think of as walnuts are probably the kernels of something plumper.
    All the best 🙂

    • June 6, 2024 / 12:19 pm

      Thank you, we had a tree surgeon come and a couple of years ago, reshape it slightly at the appropriate time before the sap rose as it had been hacked at by previous owners. Thanks for reading.

  4. July 2, 2024 / 10:52 am

    I’ve never seen a walnut tree up close. The small beginning of a nut is very interesting.

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