Top of the Socks: Love Your Feet

Top of the Socks: Love Your Feet
Today’s post is a bit of fun and function. I have always loved socks, beautiful designs and colours, not too short so your ankles get cold and fabric that stays soft and thick after plenty… View Post

How to Get the Best Out of Batch Cooking

How to Get the Best Out of Batch Cooking
Batch cooking is a real buzzword on homemaking and cooking blogs as well as social media, but it really isn’t new. Preserving seasonal harvests and abundance for use out of season, or in times of… View Post

The Winter Garden – Pruning, Mulching and Dreaming

The Winter Garden – Pruning, Mulching and Dreaming
The winter garden can seem a dull and bleak place, but careful planting can give interest even in the midst of winter. At the moment I am enjoying the hellebores, holly berries, scent of mahonia… View Post

How to Find Your Style: Phase 1

How to Find Your Style: Phase 1
I honestly never thought I’d be writing this post. What can I possibly have to say about style that anyone would want to read? That is why I am so excited about sharing this with… View Post

Happy New Year and Welcome

Happy New Year and Welcome
To my readers and followers, happy new year and welcome to 2024, I hope to share another year of fun, ideas and inspiration from my home, my garden and my wardrobe with you. For new… View Post