Something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is striking the balance between my homemaking tasks and taking time to blog – particularly because in a few months we’ll be welcoming our second baby and time will be limited for a while! I thought writing this post on how to blog about homemaking would help me organise those thoughts, help me use my time more efficiently and inspire you to maximise your homemaking endeavours and any other projects you have alongside.
How to Blog about Homemaking
1. Make Blogging a Priority
Sometimes we don’t get around to doing things we want to do not because we procrastinate, or waste time, but simply because we feel we shouldn’t do them until ‘everything else’ is done! I have always been guilty of this, feeling that the things I enjoy should come after things that are productive or for the benefit of others. But feeling fulfilled is important and that doesn’t always come from making the beds and cooking the dinner, sometimes it comes from devoting time to something that is just for you. Find a slot in your week and devote it to blogging. If you need to, set a timer or alarm to remind yourself, and don’t get derailed unless there’s an emergency or unexpected change to your day. Often if you’re not employed outside the home, people assume you have a lot of time to help them or get involved in the things they want to do. It’s great to connect and help friends or family, but you don’t have to give up your time if it means sacrificing yourself. If you have blogging scheduled, it can be easier to say no to other’s demands on your time.
2. Value Your Role as a Homemaker
This one is super important – if you don’t think your role as a homemaker is valuable and important, why would anyone want to read about what you do or say about it? It’s easy to underestimate what goes in to running a home – and in fact the mundanity of some of the tasks is part of what makes it challenging. If you’re in a job that’s got a little samey, you can ask your manager for more responsibility, do training or look for a new job but as a homemaker, it’s all on you to keep things fresh and tackle the daily grind without losing motivation. All of this requires discipline, resilience and commitment, and sharing these things with others is extremely valuable. Take the time to think about where you put your energy and how you can impart this in your blogging. If you’re struggling with this, as we all do at times, read my post here about ways to appreciate your role as a homemaker.
3. Find Your Homemaking Niche
Interestingly, I’m not sure I have done this yet, but I think finding your niche within homemaking is a great way to enhance your approach to blogging. There are many types of homemaker and many things you can include in your daily life, so what do you want to blog about? Most of us will blog about all aspects at some point but perhaps you’re an excellent baker and can include some really in depth content about that. Are you a cleaning whizz? Tips, schedules and recommendations for products and ideas will make you a go-to for readers. Maybe where you live or how you came to be a homemaker is unusual and give a unique slant to your homemaking and blogging – embrace it! If you try and give the same level of attention to everything, you may find that you’re full of ideas that never get realised or that creating blog content becomes overwhelming.
4. Be Realistic about Your Time
If you’re homemaking, you either treat it like a full time job, or you have other work outside the home to do alongside it, which means you probably don’t have time to be a full-time blogger! Does that mean you can’t be successful in it? Absolutely not, but it does mean you need to be realistic about the time you have to blog and where that time is best spent. Content is key. In the early days of your blog you don’t need expensive add-ons or professional-level assistance but you do need to get into the habit of regularly uploading high-quality content. Although there are stories of bloggers with a handful of posts who garner hundreds of thousands of Pinterest views in the first month and are making six figures within the first year, this is rare (if at all true) and most of us need to focus on doing what we love and what feels authentic, while navigating building our understanding of blogging as a business. It’s easy to get bogged down in tinkering around the edges but solid content and commitment to blogging is the key to building a successful blog (whatever that looks like to you) in the long term.
5. Be Part of a Community
Both for your own enjoyment and to boost interest in your blog, you need to make yourself part of the online homemaking community. Follow and engage with blogs with similar content, find Facebook groups or similar that link others in your niche with relevant content and comment on blog or social media posts that you’ve found interesting or helpful. Not only can this give you ideas for content (no, I do not mean, copying, pasting or stealing others work, but that we can be inspired by each other and approach similar topics from our own perspective or notice a gap in content which we can then look to fill) but it brings your work to the attention of others with similar interests, which is key to gaining a loyal readership.
Here is a list of blogs I enjoy if you’re looking for new things to read and engage with. I’ve only included blogs here that are still adding new content, as it’s so disappointing to find a blog you love only to find that it is no longer active:
April J Harris – Delicious Home Cooking, Travel and Style – April is an experience blogger and homemaker, she has some great resources including bringing the blogging community together with her monthly link parties and Facebook group.
Home | Our Gabled Home – This is a great blog if bread baking and recipes are your homemaking passion (or struggle!) In particular, sourdough features heavily and the sheer volume of information and methods online can get overwhelming, so I prefer to find one reliable source like Anja’s blog, and stick with it.
Home – Artful Homemaking – I’ve clicked through to Joy’s blog via Pinterest so many times I had to include it here. As well as being easy-to-navigate, her blog is full of useful articles on homemaking.
Home – The Virtuous Home – This blog has a real focus on traditional homemaking, there’s plenty of content to get stuck into as well!
Do you have a blog about homemaking?
If you’re blogging about homemaking, life as a stay at home or any of the content I cover at Modern Woman Old Soul I’d love to hear from you and follow what you’re doing. Subscribe below and drop me an email at hello@modernwomanoldsoul.com or leave a comment and let me know where I can find you!

This is really helpful information. Thank you for sharing this.
Visiting today from April’s #33&34