I possibly should have titled this ‘relearning to knit and sew’ as at one time I did know how to do both, to some extent. As a child my grandma taught me to knit, but I never got further than making lumpy looking scarfs for teddies, and I learnt to sew at school and even made some clothes that I wore as a teenager.
I still enjoy sewing but mainly felt crafts such as the Bucilla Advent Calendar kits (when will they bring out a new design???) but with even poor-quality clothing in man-made fabrics beginning to cost an unbelievable sum, I thought the time might have come for me to learn to make some things for myself. I know what suits me and what I like, my size doesn’t really change, and I would prefer a wardrobe of well-fitting, well-made pieces than huge quantities of fast-fashion items.
My initial outgoings are luckily low, as I inherited my grandma’s in-table sewing machine many years ago and it is finally set-up in my writing area rather than being used as a repository for various bits and pieces. I found a book in a charity shop that I think will come in handy and it only cost £1.50, and my mum is going to give me some of her knitting needle stash and some tutorials in knitting and using a sewing machine!
As with all my projects I have grand ideas, I’m already imagining myself rivalling the great fashion designers by the time the winter is over, but in reality I think you can look forward to pictures of some fairly uninspiring A-line skirts with wonky zips for the time being.