Trees, teatime and tests

Trees, teatime and tests

Phew! What a day, and it’s barely half finished.

This morning a chap came over to look at thinning our walnut tree, which will hopefully let some more light into our neighbours’ garden. We didn’t plant it and it’s right on the boundary but it also affords us both a lot of privacy so they’ve assured us they don’t mind it. He will also be taking down our old and very much dying pear tree. I can rock the whole thing in the ground with my hands so it needs to go, for safety if nothing else. He will leave use the logs from it, which I’m going to use for my stumpery, and keep some for drying to use on the woodburner. In its place we’ll be planting a ‘Hertford’ cherry tree which we’ve had temporarily planted since the winter.

The ‘big news’ of the day was me taking an editorial test as part of a potential job opportunity. In my real life, that’s my job, and I think it went well, but one can never tell. I’m glad it’s over and I’m recovering with a cup of tea.

Speaking of tea, last night I made scones, to use up the clotted cream from the last lot of scones (my husband’s idea!) We had some last night with a cup of tea while we chatted about our plans for the garden. Anyone who thinks gardening slows down in the autumn obviously has a very complete garden or just doesn’t like the wet, cold and dark!

The recipe came from the Everything Everhot website, which is a great source for recipes to try in your range cooker.