Happy New Year and Welcome

Happy New Year and Welcome
To my readers and followers, happy new year and welcome to 2024, I hope to share another year of fun, ideas and inspiration from my home, my garden and my wardrobe with you. For new… View Post

11 February 2023 – signs of life

11 February 2023 – signs of life
What a joy to see the first of my seeds germinating. The onions were eager to get going, tiny little white and green strands unfurling before my eyes, and now four of the tomato ‘Heinz’… View Post

Trees, teatime and tests

Trees, teatime and tests
Phew! What a day, and it’s barely half finished. This morning a chap came over to look at thinning our walnut tree, which will hopefully let some more light into our neighbours’ garden. We didn’t… View Post