It’s cold here. For Greater London, it’s very cold!
That calls for winter food, something rib-sticking.
Last night, Sunday, I decided on a twist on a traditional roast: baked BBQ ribs and hot sauce chicken wings, accompanied by roast potatoes and roasted sprouts, and steamed carrots.
Sunday means pudding, and winter means hot sticky puddings. Out came the lidded stock pot and the pudding basin and three and a half hours later we were tucking in to sticky ginger steamed pudding with rum and ginger syrup sauce.
I hardly ever get good photos of food, mainly because my family would rightly rather eat it when it’s hot out the oven than wait for me to snap a photo.
But there’s a picture of the pud before being dished up. I’ve linked to the recipes I used but would highly recommend doubling or tripling the quantities of sauce, although I wouldn’t worry about increasing the rum quantity by that much.